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In times of terminal illness, when treatments reach their limits, our hospice care services in Richmond, Texas offer hope and comfort. With a focus on quality care during life’s final chapters, our compassionate team provides comprehensive support encompassing medical, legal, and spiritual needs. We are here to ensure dignity and peace throughout the journey.

Here are the services we offer:

Respite Care Hospice

Respite care is focused primarily on the family. Taking care of your loved ones sometimes can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. Our respite care provides non-medical care in the absence of a family caregiver. Thanks to our caregivers, you will get free time to relax and regain energy and positive thinking.

Bereavement Support Hospice

Hospice bereavement includes grief support and counseling for individuals who have lost a loved one under hospice care. It aims to help people navigate the grieving process and find ways to cope with their emotions and loss. This support can come in the form of individual or group counseling, workshops, and resources to help individuals heal and move forward.

Nursing Services

Our caring nurses are available 24/7 to manage pain and symptoms, ensuring your comfort. They provide skilled care, medication management, and emotional support. They’ll work closely with you and your loved ones to create a personalized plan for your needs.

Doctor Services

Our hospice doctor specializes in end-of-life care and works alongside the nursing team. They’ll conduct regular visits to assess your condition, adjust medications for comfort, and answer any medical questions you or your family may have.

Hospice Aide

Our compassionate hospice aides provide assistance with daily living activities like bathing, dressing, and light housekeeping. They offer companionship and emotional support and help create a peaceful environment in which you can focus on spending quality time with loved ones.

Spiritual Services

Our spiritual care team provides emotional and spiritual support, regardless of your faith or beliefs. They can listen to your concerns, offer companionship, and help you find peace and meaning during this challenging time. They can also connect you with clergy or religious services if desired.

24-Hour Call Care or On-Call Care

For moments when you need extra support, our hospice care offers 24/7 call access to a nurse. With on-call care, a nurse is available for scheduled visits to address urgent needs and provide comfort. This allows you and your loved ones peace of mind, knowing help is always a phone call away.

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapist can help manage pain, improve mobility, and increase your comfort through gentle exercises and techniques. They can also help with tasks like getting in and out of bed or using assistive devices, allowing you to maintain independence for as long as possible.

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapist focuses on helping you engage in meaningful activities you enjoy, despite your illness. They can recommend adaptive equipment, suggest strategies for daily tasks, and help you find ways to live life to the fullest during this time.

Speech Therapy

Our speech therapist can assist with communication difficulties caused by your illness. They can help improve swallowing, strengthen your voice, and suggest alternative communication methods if needed. Their goal is to ensure you can continue to connect and express yourself with loved ones.

Social Work Services

Our social worker provides emotional support, guidance, and resources to help you and your family navigate social, emotional, and financial challenges during this time. They can help connect you with community resources, address concerns about living arrangements, and offer grief counseling to you and your loved ones.


Our dietitian works with you to create a personalized meal plan that considers your illness, preferences, and nutritional needs. They can help manage appetite changes, suggest easy-to-eat foods, and ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need for comfort and strength.

Volunteer Care

Our compassionate volunteers offer companionship, emotional support, and a friendly presence. They can read books, play games, listen to your stories, or simply provide a comforting presence, allowing your family time for respite or errands.

Hospice Inpatient Care

While most care is provided at home, our hospice can offer short-term inpatient stays in a comfortable facility. This may be helpful for managing complex symptoms, pain control, or providing respite for your family caregiver. The goal is to return you home as soon as possible.